Ann’s Books
Problem Solving with Young Children

Problem Solving with Young Children: Building Creativity, Critical Thinking and Resilience
Turn everyday frustrations into teachable moments. Young children encounter problems, mistakes, and accidents that challenge them daily. Helping children conquer everyday frustrations fosters the creativity, critical thinking, and resilience that enables children to thrive in a formidable world.
Problem-Solving with Young Children will coach early childhood teachers, child care providers, and parents to develop a range of strategies to help young children become creative problem solvers, including:
- Questions to ask
- Ways to listen
- Strategies for brainstorming and trying solutions
- Suggestions for using the scientific method or design thinking to test ideas
- Methods for reflecting on what worked and what still needs improvement
See what children learn along the way — the social skills, emotional intelligence, language and communication skills, and STEM skills that evolve as children participate in an authentic, meaningful problem-solving process.
Featuring anecdotes and advice, and incorporating research on how children learn, emergent curriculum methods, problem-based learning, developmentally appropriate practices, and responsive pedagogies, this book will help you lead children through meaningful problem-solving processes and prepare tomorrow’s critical thinkers.
Young Architects at Play
“In Young Architects at Play Ann Gadzikowski skillfully blends research, practical insights, and a deep knowledge of facilitation to provide educators and caregivers a rich tapestry of how to lead children through learning as they play. Working across digital and physical worlds, easing planning and encouraging observation while reminding us how fun learning is, this manual is a testament to the marriage of art and science that is early childhood learning! Welcome to your journey of playing with your student or child!”
— Tarun Varma, experience implementation specialist, LEGO Foundation

Young Architects at Play:
STEM Activities
for Young Children
Available for order from Redleaf Press.
“A delightful, thorough, must-read primer for teaching architecture to children, Ann Gadzikowski’s Young Architects at Play reminds us that architecture is personal and intuitive, especially for our youngest learners. Filled with creative, multi-sensory activities, Young Architects is an easy-to-read tool for parents and educators alike.”
— Rebecca Boland, manager of school and family programs, Chicago Architecture Center
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
Resources for Parents

Britannica for Parents
Ann Gadzikowski is Executive Editor of Britannica for Parents, a website providing information, resources, and advice from trusted experts in child development and early education.
Visit Britannica for Parents here.
Creating a Beautiful Mess
Creating a Beautiful Mess by Ann Gadzikowski describes the ten essential play experiences that all children need and enjoy. Practical tips for parents are woven among engaging scenarios and expert child development perspectives. From Redleaf Press.

Raising Curious Learners
Ann Gadzikowski is the co-host of the Raising Curious Learners podcast, one of the resources available on the Britannica for Parents website.
Raising Curious Learners is now available to stream on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Stitcher.
Apple Podcasts:…/raising-curious-l…/id1526578046
Gifted and Talented Education

Challenging Exceptionally Bright Children in Early Childhood Classrooms
Nearly every early childhood classroom has an exceptionally bright child — from the child who starts reading independently at age three to the child who would rather take apart his tricycle than ride on it. Challenging Exceptionally Bright Children in Early Childhood Classrooms offers strategies to help you create a richer learning environment where exceptionally bright children are encouraged to learn beyond prescribed curriculum goals. Order Online
Early Childhood Gifted Education: Fostering Talent Development
Early Childhood Gifted Education by Nancy Hertzog & Ann Gadzikowski, published by the National Association for Gifted Children . Order here.
Language and Literacy

Story Dictation
Story Dictation offers an easy, yet powerful, early learning tool: Listening to children’s stories and writing them down word for word. Story dictation builds a range of skills, including literacy and abstract thinking abilities, while helping fulfill early learning standards. “An excellent how-to resource guide for all early childhood professionals who want to use an effective, developmentally appropriate activity to tap into a young child’s imaginative and creative energies in order to develop her skills in language, literacy and a host of other learning domains.” — SpringerLink

Nonfiction Readers
Ann Gadzikowski is the author of nonfiction leveled readers published by MacMillan McGraw Hill.

Fiction Readers
Three fiction stories by Ann Gadzikowski are included in Heinemann’s Leveled Literacy collection. Titles include The Wise Blackbird, The Lucky Penny, and The Baby Bird.
Curriculum and Textbooks

Tech Beginnings Curriculum
Ann Gadzikowski created “Tech Beginnings,” a PreK-Grade 3 curriculum that teaches coding, animation and robotics to young children. Ann’s unique approach combines cutting-edge tech innovations with traditional hands-on and developmentally appropriate teaching practices.

College-Level Textbook
Administration of Early Childhood Education Programs by Ann Gadzikowski provides college students with an overview of the core knowledge necessary to lead an early childhood program. This e-textook is available through Thuze.

Pre-K Storypath
Ann Gadzikowski edited Pre-K Storypath, a role-playing and problem-solving curriculum, written by Margit E. McGuire of Seattle University.