Reflections on SXSWEDU

Reflections on SXSWEDU

I’ve just returned from the SXSWEDU conference in Austin, Texas where I gave a talk on computer science education for young children and signed copies of my new books: Robotics for Young Children and Coding, Robotics, and Engineering for Young Students. The focus of...
Why I’m Optimistic about Children and Technology

Why I’m Optimistic about Children and Technology

Each time I read the news I see dire warnings about technology: Robots are taking our jobs! Driverless cars are speeding through our streets! Hackers are stealing our secrets! It’s easy to become frightened and pessimistic about the future of technology in our world....
Coding & Robotics Link Pack!

Coding & Robotics Link Pack!

  Just FYI: When I speak to groups of educators about coding and robotics, these are the resources I recommend most often.     NAEYC Position Statement on Technology and Interactive Media...
Online Workshops for Teachers

Online Workshops for Teachers

This fall I will be leading two online workshops for educators who are interested in teaching coding and robotics to young students. Workshops & Dates: Introducing Coding to Young Students October 9-22, 2017 Introducing Robotics to Young Students October...
The Joy and Intrigue of Broken Toys

The Joy and Intrigue of Broken Toys

  Toys break. Wheels pop off axles, dolls lose their hair or even their heads, and the batteries inside mechanical pets weaken and die. As parents and teachers, we often try to protect young children from these events, repairing and replacing toys while they’re...

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